Interrogation room Digital Concept Art #4

Assignment 2: Proposal Pack, Final Major Project Developement

Below I have applied some more colours to this environment concept sketch for the interrogation room, but this time I have added the colour using a gradient map as I thought it would be better to apply the colour using the grey scale values to see how well the colour would work with the design.

Below I have applied a gold/ bronze colour scheme which is very bright and stands out very clearly from the background which is good. However the foreground colour is so bright I am worried that the colours will take the audiences eye away from the characters in the shot. Therefore I need to look at some more saturated colours that will blend more into the background.


For design purposes I added a blue background to the image to see how well the bold gold/ bronze colour stands out of a saturated background. But the issue here is that the blue is quite bright and makes it quite unappealing to look at. But I managed to add a clear light into the shot to help bring forth the design. However in terms of colour this is really unappealing and does not work very well.


Once again I decided to add another light onto the scene by using more of a red light instead of blue, but once again the colour scheme really does not work. But in terms of composition I think that this shot works quite well , as it shows a clear difference in each section of the drawing. But once again I need to develop the colour as these colours do not appeal to me.


Here I have tried to take down the brightness of the gold colour in the foreground and I have changed the background colour to more of a grey. But once again I have some issues with the colour palette as it looks really unappealing and now it looks too dark, so the stages are not visible. Therefore I need to work on a new design and try and fix some issues with colour and lighting.


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