Carlos Digital Character Concept Art #3

Assignment 2: Proposal Pack, Final Major Project Developement

Below are some rough and quick sketches for Carlos, majority of theses designs have not really appealed to me because they have either gone wrong half way through the drawing or they do not appeal to me. However I have shown these sketches to show my development and exploration into different ideas with this character.

For this design I tried to develop the length of Carlos’s neck as you cannot really tell he has a neck, but this design really does not work, because the neck is too long and the arms seem too noodle like rather than bulky. Overall this design just did not work for me so I left it how it is.


With this design I liked how the pose turned out, but the issue is that the arm shapes need some more work, as they look kind of broken and the drawing seems a little flat. I think the head shape came out okay, but I think that the forehead needs to be smaller to show that dumb personality.


The design below is the best out of these three, because the head shape shows a start to the idea I am trying to make. However I do not like the pig nose as it does not appeal to me or work with this character. But the hair and facial hair works quite well with this character, so I may take these ideas and apply them to further designs in the production.


My next task for this character is to continue developing some ideas and start creating some more refined sketches and paintings rather than just rough sketches, as this will help me to come up with a final idea/ design for the character.

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